Buzzing Love

Buzzing Love

Sometimes something unexpected is born from one simple exchange with another human being. Sometimes that something is magical!

Two years ago, my friend Jaime Mowers launched a blog called Buzzing Love. You see, Jaime tragically lost her beloved father, Gary B., in a violent attack. I won’t get into the specifics of that here but it’s a story that has haunted me since the day I heard it and one that inspired Jaime to change the world.

Since prior to the launch, Jaime has set out to commit random acts of kindness in honor of her dad. “BUZZING LOVE is a reminder to love big, laugh loud, lend others a helping hang, spread as much kindness as possible and leave the world a better place than you found it.”  She and the Buzzing Love community have touched so many lives over the last few years and continue to make the world a nicer place.

One thing Jaime may not realize is how she influenced MY life. Of course, as you know, I’ve been baking for my entire adult life. I had done a couple of weddings and made some cookies for my son’s teachers…just a little treat here and there. But when Jaime launched her blog, she asked me to make a cake and some cookies for her party. I remember telling her that I wasn’t very good at cookies but I would try. Hahaha!

That one order sparked the beginning of a whirlwind of nonstop cookie and cake requests! I’ve baked and decorated nearly 6000 cookies in two years! Holy cookie cutters! Just 4 months after that initial order, I placed 3rd in a national competition and not a day goes by that I am not grateful to Jaime for encouraging me to stretch out of my comfort zone and make those bees!

Just last month, someone requested more bee cookies for a baby shower. It was super fun to look back and see how much more skilled I am than I was was then. Practice makes perfect!

Anyway, I am forever grateful to Jaime and her buzzing inspiration. Next Saturday, join Jaime for Buzzing Love Day! From Jaime: “It’s very simple: WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO DO SOMETHING KIND – ANYTHING OF YOUR CHOOSING – FOR SOMEONE ELSE IN YOUR CORNER OF THE WORLD!! No act of kindness is too small!!! And it’s WHEREVER YOU ARE!!” You can also meet Jaime in person next Saturday at 10AM at Sutton Loop Park in Maplewood. All are welcome!